Wednesday, September 14, 2016

50 Shades of Waaaaaayy!

It had been five years since picking up a book since college when this baby came my way.  I was never a reader and was notorious for picking up a book and quitting half way through.  I suppose it was due to the mandatory content I was required to read and being naturally disinterested.

That all changed when my dear friend

Monday, September 12, 2016

Make the Ordinary Extraordinary

One thing I have learned over the last year is observance.  I’ve always been an analytical person but recently started filing away little moments in my head that on the surface appear commonplace.

For example…

Wednesday, September 7, 2016



            Pacing up and down the aisle I was in search of a spice a Mediterranean dish called for. Tamarind. Thoroughly searching each rack I huffed in annoyance.
            “You’ve got to be kidding me,” I murmured. “Stupid store.”
            It was becoming apparent my dinner plans for one were going to change. Looking down at my basket full of items specific to the meal I had planned it appeared it would be grilled chicken and broccoli again. Running my hand through my hair I sighed in defeat.
            “Excuse me,” a woman’s voice said behind me.
            “Oh, sorry,” I apologized as if I had done something wrong. Why do we do that? I quickly pondered shaking off the thought. Shifting back on my feet I watched the woman choose a container of garlic powder.
            I could feel my eyes narrow when they caught the side of her face. She looked familiar but it was hard to tell. Her blonde streaked hair fell forward only allowing me a glance of her creamy pale skin and petite nose.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Once Upon a Time

Such a great way to start a story right?  The fairy tales we grew up with always started that way. And when you read the words... "Once upon a time..." you KNEW the story was going to whisk you away.

So here is my once upon a time...

Monday, September 5, 2016


Hello all!

Hope your long Labor Day weekends were relaxing and enjoyable.

Welcome to my blog where