Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Once Upon a Time

Such a great way to start a story right?  The fairy tales we grew up with always started that way. And when you read the words... "Once upon a time..." you KNEW the story was going to whisk you away.

So here is my once upon a time...

As a kid I would tuck myself away somewhere quiet and make up stories in my head.  At that time it was about some princess in a far away land waiting for her prince (Eye roll...typical) or weird things like...what IF you owned a small box equipped with a button. And maaaaybe you wanted something to appear like a car...well you would make a wish and push the button and the box would transform into your desire. *Insert crazy here*

Anyway -- my point is, that desire to imagine never really went away...let's just call it a long hibernation.  In August of 2015 a romance storyline hit me between the eyes like the slumber of my creativity awoke suddenly.  For several months I wrote a story that looking back I did not know I had in me.  Well, the characters actually just told me what to write, so I listened. ;)

SO... this is me today...just over 1 year later...still trying to figure out what to do with it all.  It has been a struggle learning as much as I could about writing and publication and Oh...the writing process as a whole!  It is challenging work especially while working a full time job. I have a new found respect for established authors!  This is NO JOKE.

So my once upon a time, my story, journey or what ever you want to call it is happening right now, everyday.  And I hope you will share it with me. Whether you want to know what the ups and downs feel like or just like connecting with a romance writer I hope I can provide you with a snap shot of my life and a finished novel at the end.

All my love~

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