Wednesday, September 14, 2016

50 Shades of Waaaaaayy!

It had been five years since picking up a book since college when this baby came my way.  I was never a reader and was notorious for picking up a book and quitting half way through.  I suppose it was due to the mandatory content I was required to read and being naturally disinterested.

That all changed when my dear friend
insisted I pick up 50 Shades of Grey, not to mention the media storm pushing it into the faces of main stream pop culture. Shrugging, I thought what the heck.  The thought of reading sex on a page made me uncomfortable but there was enough intrigue swirling in my brain that my curiosity got the best of me.

Over the next several weeks since the book came home, my husband began to wonder if he existed in my life. :) Unable to put it down, I even snuck it into work to read over lunch or at my desk between breaks.

What was this world of BDSM? The thrill alone from understanding an alpha character and watching the other characters grow around him, was surprising to say the least. What it did for me was open a door in my head to the endless possibilities of romance within books!

My biggest take a way from this series of novels was the idea that sex/steamy romance can be mainstream in literature and it has the ability to create an escape (and shock) to those that harbor fantasies that are not considered “normal” in a person’s day to day life.  It can also be beautiful and romantic-- something [us] women that read these stories simply desire.

I know romance novels have been around for ages, but the vision of seeing Fabio on the cover holding savagely clad women never blew up my skirt. (No pun intended)

But here I am, unable to put down any romance book that comes across my iPad or Barnes and Nobles suggestion emails… and like a sponge I want to learn about everything the authors (I read) know about the genre and how they succeed in making the characters evolve.

So thank you to E.L. James for tapping into this darker place in my mind and spurring a creativity that I never knew festered beneath the surface.

Did you see the new trailer or 50 Shades Darker? -----> Click Here  *Your Welcome!*


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